Divorce is something that often happens and can be difficult to stop once the ball is rolling in that direction. If you go through a divorce in Texas, you have to be aware that your children are going through it as well. They are not seeing the situation in the same light as you and your ex-spouse. They come away from the divorce with lasting effects that can shape their lives and lead to issues in the future if you do not understand what they are going through.

Parents explain that divorce for a child brings about a fear that runs deep and is difficult to shake. Regardless of what age your child is, even if he or she seems fine with the divorce, fear is usually still present. You may not notice it, but your child will act in ways that can show you fear is a driving force in his or her life.

When fear takes hold, your child begins questioning everything. He or she feels out of balance and unsure. It can impact his or her self-esteem and drive in life. Even if it is not having a severe effect, fear can still shape your child’s decisions and actions, along with his or her feelings towards you and the other parent.

Fear often leads to thoughts that since one parent left, it means the other could leave, too. This damaging thought process can cause anxiety or depression to manifest. You want to combat as soon as possible.

Fighting fear means co-parenting effectively. You have to show the children that while one parent may have left the home, he or she did not leave the family. You have to create a feeling of security and balance for your child in order to remove the fear. This information is for education and is not legal advice.